3.4. Custom type mappings

Custom type mappings can be used on properties to override the derived Path type. This can be useful in cases where comparison and String operations should be blocked on certain String paths or Date / Time support for custom types needs to be added. Support for Date / Time types of the Joda time API and JDK (java.util.Date, Calendar and subtypes) is built in, but other APIs might need to be supported using this feature.

The following example demonstrates the usage :

public class MyEntity{      
    public String stringAsSimple;
    public String stringAsComparable;
    public String stringNotInQuerydsl;    

The value PropertyType.NONE can be used to skip a property in the Querydsl query type generation. This case is different from @Transient or @QueryTransient annotated properties, where properties are not persisted. PropertyType.NONE just omits the property from the Querydsl query type.