2.4. Querying SQL/JDBC sources

The querydsl-sql module is still in Beta stage and hasn't been tested much, but it is functional and usable.

This chapter describes the query type generation and querying functionality of the module.

2.4.1. Creating the Querydsl query types

To get started export your schema into Querydsl query types like this :

java.sql.Connection conn; // connection of database containing the schema to use
MetaDataExporter exporter = new MetaDataExporter("Q", "com.myproject.domain", null, null, "src/main/java");

This declares that the database schema is to be mirrored into the com.myproject.domain package in the src/main/java folder.

This functionality might get packaged into an Maven plugin in the future.

The generated types have the table name transformed to mixed case as the class name and a similar mixed case transformation applied to the columns which are available as property paths in the query type.

2.4.2. Querying

Querying with Querydsl SQL is as simple as this :

QCustomer customer = new QCustomer("c");

SQLTemplates dialect = new HSQLDBTemplates(); // SQL-dialect
SQLQuery query = SQLQueryImpl(connection, dialect); 
List<String> lastNames = query.from(customer)

which is transformed into the following sql query, assuming that the related table name is customer and the columns first_name and last_name :

SELECT c.last_name 
FROM customer c 
WHERE c.first_name = 'Bob'

Internally Querydsl SQL uses PreparedStatements, though.

Querydsl uses SQL dialects to customize the SQL serialization needed for different relational databases. The available dialects are DerbyTemplates, HSQLDBTemplates, MySQLTemplates and OracleTemplates.

2.4.3. General usage

Use the the cascading methods of the SQLQuery interface like this

from : Define the query sources here.

innerJoin, join, leftJoin, fullJoin, on : Define join elements using these constructs. For the join methods the first argument is the join source and the second the target (alias).

where : Define the query filters, either in varargs form separated via commas or cascaded via the and-operator.

groupBy : Define the group by arguments in varargs form.

having : Define the having filter of the "group by" grouping as an varags array of EBoolean expressions.

orderBy : Define the ordering of the result as an varargs array of order expressions. Use asc() and desc() on numeric, string and other comparable expression to access the OrderSpecifier instances.

limit, offset, restrict : Define the paging of the result. Limit for max results, offset for skipping rows and restrict for defining both in one call.

2.4.4. Ordering

The syntax for declaring ordering is

    .orderBy(customer.lastName.asc(), customer.firstName.asc())
    .list(customer.firstName, customer.lastName);

which is equivalent to the following native SQL

SELECT c.first_name, c.last_name
FROM customer c 
ORDER BY c.last_name ASC, c.first_name ASC

2.4.5. Grouping

Grouping can be done in the following form


which is equivalent to the following native SQL

SELECT c.last_name 
FROM customer c 
GROUP BY c.last_name

2.4.6. Using Data manipulation commands