Uses of Interface

Packages that use SubQuery
com.mysema.query.collections Implementations of Querydsl query interfaces for JavaBean collections 
com.mysema.query.dml DML interfaces 
com.mysema.query.hql Query implementations for HQL and JPAQL 
com.mysema.query.jdoql JDOQL support for Querydsl 
com.mysema.query.sql SQL/JDBC support for Querydsl 
com.mysema.query.sql.dml DML operations support for Querydsl SQL Various support classes 
com.mysema.query.types Contains Querydsl grammar types 
com.mysema.query.types.query Subquery implementations 

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.collections

Methods in com.mysema.query.collections with parameters of type SubQuery
 void ColQuerySerializer.visit(SubQuery<?> expr)

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.dml with parameters of type SubQuery
 C<?> subQuery)
          Define the populate via subquery

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.hql

Methods in com.mysema.query.hql with parameters of type SubQuery
 void HQLSerializer.visit(SubQuery<?> query)

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.jdoql

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdoql with parameters of type SubQuery
 void JDOQLSerializer.visit(SubQuery<?> query)

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql with parameters of type SubQuery
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.fullJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.fullJoin(SubQuery<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.innerJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.innerJoin(SubQuery<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds an inner join to the given target
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.join(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.join(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.join(SubQuery<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a join to the given target
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.leftJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.leftJoin(SubQuery<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a left join to the given target
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.rightJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(SubQuery<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.rightJoin(SubQuery<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a right join to the given target
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForInsert(PEntity<?> entity, List<Path<?>> columns, List<Expr<?>> values, SubQuery<?> subQuery)
 void SQLSerializer.serializeUnion(SubQuery[] sqs, List<OrderSpecifier<?>> orderBy)
<RT> AbstractSQLQuery.UnionBuilder<RT>
AbstractSQLQuery.union(SubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> Union<RT>
SQLQuery.union(SubQuery<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
 void SQLSerializer.visit(SubQuery<?> query)

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.sql.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql.dml with parameters of type SubQuery
 SQLInsertClause<?> subQuery)

Uses of SubQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type SubQuery
<P> T
QueryMixin.fullJoin(SubQuery<P> target, Path alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.innerJoin(SubQuery<P> target, Path alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.join(SubQuery<P> target, Path alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.leftJoin(SubQuery<P> target, Path alias)

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.types

Methods in com.mysema.query.types with parameters of type SubQuery
 void Visitor.visit(SubQuery<?> query)
 void ToStringVisitor.visit(SubQuery<?> expr)

Uses of SubQuery in com.mysema.query.types.query

Classes in com.mysema.query.types.query that implement SubQuery
 class BooleanSubQuery
          Single result subquery
 class ComparableSubQuery<A extends Comparable<?>>
          Single result subquery
 class DateSubQuery<A extends Comparable<?>>
          Single result subquery
 class DateTimeSubQuery<A extends Comparable<?>>
          Single result subquery
 class ListSubQuery<A>
          List result subquery
 class NumberSubQuery<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
          Single result subquery
 class ObjectSubQuery<A>
          Single result subquery
 class StringSubQuery
          Single result subquery
 class SubQueryMixin<T>
          Mixin implementation of the SubQuery interface
 class TimeSubQuery<A extends Comparable<?>>
          Single result subquery

Constructors in com.mysema.query.types.query with parameters of type SubQuery
SubQueryMixin(SubQuery<T> self, QueryMetadata metadata)

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