3. General usage

3.1. Expressions

3.1.1. Inheritance in Querydsl types

To avoid a generic signature in Querydsl query types the type hierarchies are flattened. The result is that all generated query types are direct subclasses of com.mysema.query.types.path.PEntity and cannot be directly cast to their Querydsl supertypes.

Instead of a direct Java cast, the supertype reference is accessible via the _super field. A _super-field is available in all query types with a single supertype :

// from Account
QAccount extends PEntity<Account>{
    // ...

// from BankAccount extends Account
QBankAccount extends PEntity<BankAccount>{

    public final QAccount _super = new QAccount(this);
    // ...

To cast from a supertype to a subtype you can use the as-method of the PEntity class :

QAccount account = new QAccount("account");
QBankAccount bankAccount = account.as(QBankAccount.class);    

3.1.2. Parameters


3.1.3. Constructor projections

Querydsl provides the possibility to use constructor invocations in projections. To use a constructor in a query projection, you need to annotate it with the QueryProjection annotation :

class CustomerDTO {

  public CustomerDTO(long id, String name){


And then you can use it like this in the query

QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;
HQLQuery query = new HibernateQuery(session);
List<CustomerDTO> dtos = qry.from(customer).list(new QCustomerDTO(customer.id, customer.name));     

While the example is Hibernate specific, this feature is present in all modules.

If the type with the QueryProjection annotation is not an annotated entity type, you can use the constructor projection like in the example, but if the annotated type would be an entity type, then the constructor projection would need to be created via a call to the static create method of the query type :

class Customer {

  public Customer(long id, String name){

QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;
HQLQuery query = new HibernateQuery(session);
List<Customer> dtos = qry.from(customer).list(new QCustomer.create(customer.id, customer.name));   

Alternatively, if code generation is not an option, you can create a constructor projection like this :

List<Customer> dtos = qry.from(customer)
    .list(EConstructor.create(Customer.class, customer.id, customer.name));   

3.1.4. Complex boolean expressions

To construct complex boolean expressions, use the BooleanBuilder class. It extends EBoolean and can be used in cascaded form :

public List<Customer> getCustomer(String... names){
    QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;    
    HibernateQuery qry = new HibernateQuery(session).from(customer);    
    BooleanBuilder builder = new BoolenBuilder();
    for (String name : names){
    qry.where(builder); // customer.name eq name1 OR customer.name eq name2 OR ...  
    return qry.list(customer);

3.1.5. Case expressions

To construct case-when-then-else expressions use the CaseBuilder class like this :

QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;    
Expr<String> cases = new CaseBuilder()
// The cases expression can now be used in a projection or condition        

For case expressions with equals-operations use the following simpler form instead :

QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;    
Expr<String> cases = customer.annualSpending
// The cases expression can now be used in a projection or condition        

Case expressions are not yet supported in JDOQL.

3.1.6. Dynamic path usage

For dynamic path generation the PathBuilder class can be used. It extends PEntity and can be used as an alternative to class generation and alias-usage for path generation.

String property :

PathBuilder<User> entityPath = new PathBuilder<User>(User.class, "entity");
// fully generic access
// .. or with supplied type
entityPath.get("userName", String.class);
// .. and correct signature

List property :

entityPath.getList("list", String.class, PString.class).get(0).lower();
entityPath.getList("list", String.class).get(0);

Map property :

entityPath.getMap("map", String.class, String.class, PString.class).get("key").lower();
entityPath.getMap("map", String.class, String.class).get("key");