Querydsl - Reference Documentation

Timo Westkämper

Samppa Saarela

Vesa Marttila

Lassi Immonen


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Copyright © 2007-2013 by Mysema Ltd. This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Principles
2. Tutorials
2.1. Querying JPA
2.1.1. Maven integration
2.1.2. Ant integration
2.1.3. Using Querydsl JPA in Roo
2.1.4. Generating the model from hbm.xml files
2.1.5. Using query types
2.1.6. Querying
2.1.7. Using joins
2.1.8. General usage
2.1.9. Ordering
2.1.10. Grouping
2.1.11. Delete clauses
2.1.12. Update clauses
2.1.13. Subqueries
2.1.14. Exposing the original query
2.1.15. Using Native SQL in Hibernate queries
2.2. Querying JDO
2.2.1. Maven integration
2.2.2. Ant integration
2.2.3. Using query types
2.2.4. Querying with JDO
2.2.5. General usage
2.2.6. Ordering
2.2.7. Grouping
2.2.8. Delete clauses
2.2.9. Subqueries
2.2.10. Using Native SQL
2.3. Querying SQL
2.3.1. Maven integration
2.3.2. Code generation via Maven
2.3.3. Code generation via ANT
2.3.4. Creating the query types
2.3.5. Querying
2.3.6. General usage
2.3.7. Joins
2.3.8. Ordering
2.3.9. Grouping
2.3.10. Using Subqueries
2.3.11. Query extension support
2.3.12. Using Data manipulation commands Insert Update Delete
2.3.13. Batch support in DML clauses
2.3.14. Bean class generation
2.3.15. Custom syntax expressions
2.3.16. Custom types
2.4. Querying Lucene
2.4.1. Creating the query types
2.4.2. Querying
2.4.3. General usage
2.4.4. Ordering
2.4.5. Limit
2.4.6. Offset
2.4.7. Fuzzy searches
2.4.8. Applying Lucene filters to queries
2.5. Querying Hibernate Search
2.5.1. Creating the Querydsl query types
2.5.2. Querying
2.5.3. General usage
2.6. Querying Mongodb
2.6.1. Maven integration
2.6.2. Querying
2.6.3. General usage
2.6.4. Ordering
2.6.5. Limit
2.6.6. Offset
2.6.7. Geospatial queries
2.6.8. Select only relevant fields
2.7. Querying Collections
2.7.1. Usage without generated query types
2.7.2. Usage with generated query types
2.7.3. Maven integration
2.7.4. Ant integration
2.7.5. Hamcrest matchers
2.8. Querying in Scala
2.8.1. DSL expressions for Scala
2.8.2. Improved projections
2.8.3. Querying with SQL Compact queries Code generation
2.8.4. Querying with other backends
3. General usage
3.1. Expressions
3.1.1. Custom expressions
3.1.2. Custom projections
3.1.3. Inheritance in Querydsl types
3.1.4. Constructor projections
3.1.5. Complex boolean expressions
3.1.6. Case expressions
3.1.7. Dynamic path usage
3.2. Result post-processing
3.2.1. GroupBy processing
3.3. Alternative code generation
3.3.1. Direct usage
3.3.2. Usage via Maven
3.4. Configuration
3.4.1. Path initialization
3.4.2. Customization of serialization
3.4.3. Custom type mappings
3.4.4. Delegate methods
3.4.5. Query type generation for non annotated types
3.5. Best practices
3.5.1. Use default variable of the Query types
3.5.2. DAO integration
3.6. Alias usage
4. Troubleshooting
4.1. Insufficient type arguments
4.2. Multithreaded initialization of Querydsl Q-types
4.3. JDK5 usage