Uses of Class

Packages that use EBoolean
com.mysema.query Contains basic Query elements 
com.mysema.query.collections Implementations of Querydsl query interfaces for JavaBean collections 
com.mysema.query.hql Query implementations for HQL and JPAQL 
com.mysema.query.hql.hibernate HQL for Hibernate 
com.mysema.query.hql.jpa HQL Support classes 
com.mysema.query.jdoql.dml DML operations support for Querydsl JDOQL 
com.mysema.query.sql SQL/JDBC support for Querydsl 
com.mysema.query.sql.dml DML operations support Oracle support for Querydsl SQL Various support classes 
com.mysema.query.types Contains Querydsl grammar types 
com.mysema.query.types.custom Custom types are comparable to operations but contain the serialization templates instead of operator patterns. 
com.mysema.query.types.expr Operations represent typed operations with operator and arguments 
com.mysema.query.types.path Paths represent typed property paths, variables and list-map-array access 
com.mysema.query.types.query Subquery implementations 

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query

Subclasses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query
 class BooleanBuilder
          BooleanBuilder is a cascading builder for EBoolean expressions.

Methods in com.mysema.query that return EBoolean
 EBoolean JoinExpression.getCondition()
 EBoolean QueryMetadata.getHaving()
          Get the having expressions
 EBoolean DefaultQueryMetadata.getHaving()
 EBoolean BooleanBuilder.getValue()
 EBoolean QueryMetadata.getWhere()
          Get the expressions aggregated into a single boolean expression or null, if none where defined
 EBoolean DefaultQueryMetadata.getWhere()

Methods in com.mysema.query with parameters of type EBoolean
 void JoinExpression.addCondition(EBoolean c)
 void QueryMetadata.addHaving(EBoolean... o)
          Add the given having expressions
 void DefaultQueryMetadata.addHaving(EBoolean... o)
 void QueryMetadata.addJoinCondition(EBoolean o)
          Add the given join condition to the last given join
 void DefaultQueryMetadata.addJoinCondition(EBoolean o)
 void QueryMetadata.addWhere(EBoolean... o)
          Add the given where expressions
 void DefaultQueryMetadata.addWhere(EBoolean... o)
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.and(EBoolean right)
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.andAnyOf(EBoolean... args)
          Create the intersection of this and the union of the given args
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.andNot(EBoolean right)
 Q Query.having(EBoolean... o)
          Defines the filters for aggregation
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.or(EBoolean right)
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.orAllOf(EBoolean... args)
          Create the union of this and the intersection of the given args
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.orNot(EBoolean right)
 Q SimpleQuery.where(EBoolean... e)
          Defines the filter constraints
 C FilteredClause.where(EBoolean... o)
          Defines the filter constraints

Constructors in com.mysema.query with parameters of type EBoolean
BooleanBuilder(EBoolean initial)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.collections

Methods in com.mysema.query.collections with parameters of type EBoolean
<T> com.mysema.codegen.Evaluator<List<T>>
DefaultEvaluatorFactory.createEvaluator(QueryMetadata metadata, Expr<? extends T> source, EBoolean filter)
          Create an Evaluator for the given source and filter
 com.mysema.codegen.Evaluator<List<Object[]>> DefaultEvaluatorFactory.createEvaluator(QueryMetadata metadata, List<JoinExpression> joins, EBoolean filter)
          Create an Evaluator for the given sources and the given optional filter
 ColUpdateClause<T> ColUpdateClause.where(EBoolean... o)
 ColDeleteClause<T> ColDeleteClause.where(EBoolean... o)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.hql

Methods in com.mysema.query.hql with parameters of type EBoolean
 T AbstractSQLQuery.on(EBoolean... conditions)
 Q HQLCommonQuery.with(EBoolean... condition)
          Add conditions to the with clause
 Q HQLQueryBase.with(EBoolean... conditions)
 Q AbstractHQLSubQuery.with(EBoolean... conditions)
 T HQLQueryMixin.with(EBoolean... conditions)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.hql.hibernate

Methods in com.mysema.query.hql.hibernate with parameters of type EBoolean
 HibernateDeleteClause HibernateDeleteClause.where(EBoolean... o)
 HibernateUpdateClause HibernateUpdateClause.where(EBoolean... o)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.hql.jpa

Methods in com.mysema.query.hql.jpa with parameters of type EBoolean
 JPADeleteClause JPADeleteClause.where(EBoolean... o)
 JPAUpdateClause JPAUpdateClause.where(EBoolean... o)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.jdoql.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdoql.dml with parameters of type EBoolean
 JDOQLUpdateClause JDOQLUpdateClause.where(EBoolean... o)
 JDOQLDeleteClause JDOQLDeleteClause.where(EBoolean... o)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.jdoql.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdoql.sql with parameters of type EBoolean
 T AbstractSQLQuery.on(EBoolean... conditions)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.lucene

Subclasses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.lucene
 class QueryElement
          QueryElement wraps a Lucene Query

Methods in com.mysema.query.lucene with parameters of type EBoolean
 LuceneQuery LuceneQuery.where(EBoolean... e)

Uses of EBoolean in

Methods in with parameters of type EBoolean
 SearchQuery<T> SearchQuery.where(EBoolean... e)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql that return EBoolean
 EBoolean ForeignKey.on(PEntity<E> entity)

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql with parameters of type EBoolean
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.on(EBoolean... conditions)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.on(EBoolean... conditions)
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.on(EBoolean... conditions)
          Defines a filter to the last added join
 Q SQLCommonQuery.on(EBoolean... conditions)
          Defines a filter to the last added join
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForDelete(PEntity<?> entity, EBoolean where)
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForUpdate(PEntity<?> entity, List<com.mysema.commons.lang.Pair<Path<?>,?>> updates, EBoolean where)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.sql.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql.dml with parameters of type EBoolean
 SQLUpdateClause SQLUpdateClause.where(EBoolean... o)
 SQLDeleteClause SQLDeleteClause.where(EBoolean... o)

Uses of EBoolean in

Methods in with parameters of type EBoolean
 OracleQuery OracleQuery.connectBy(EBoolean cond)
 OracleQuery OracleQuery.connectByNocyclePrior(EBoolean cond)
 OracleQuery OracleQuery.connectByPrior(EBoolean cond)
<A> OracleQuery
OracleQuery.startWith(EBoolean cond)

Uses of EBoolean in

Methods in that return EBoolean
 EBoolean DetachableQuery.exists()
 EBoolean DetachableAdapter.exists()
 EBoolean DetachableMixin.exists()
 EBoolean DetachableQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean DetachableAdapter.notExists()
 EBoolean DetachableMixin.notExists()

Methods in with parameters of type EBoolean
 T QueryMixin.having(EBoolean... o)
 Q QueryBase.having(EBoolean... o)
 T QueryMixin.on(EBoolean... conditions)
 BooleanSubQuery DetachableQuery.unique(EBoolean projection)
 BooleanSubQuery DetachableAdapter.unique(EBoolean projection)
 BooleanSubQuery DetachableMixin.unique(EBoolean projection)
 T QueryMixin.where(EBoolean... o)
 Q QueryBase.where(EBoolean... o)
 SimpleQueryAdapter<T> SimpleQueryAdapter.where(EBoolean... e)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types

Methods in com.mysema.query.types that return EBoolean
abstract  EBoolean Expr.eq(D right)
          Get a this == right expression
abstract  EBoolean Expr.eq(Expr<? super D> right)
          Get a this == right expression
 EBoolean SubQuery.exists()
          Get an exists(this) expression for the subquery
abstract  EBoolean<? extends D> right)
          Get a this in right expression
abstract  EBoolean right)
          Get a this in right expression
abstract  EBoolean<?,? extends D> right)
          Get a this in right expression
 EBoolean Path.isNotNull()
          Create a this is not null expression
 EBoolean Path.isNull()
          Create a this is null expression
abstract  EBoolean right)
          Get a this <> right expression
abstract  EBoolean<? super D> right)
          Get a this <> right expression
 EBoolean SubQuery.notExists()
          Get a not exists(this) expression for the subquery
 EBoolean Expr.notIn(Collection<? extends D> right)
          Get a this not in right expression
 EBoolean Expr.notIn(D... right)
          Get a this not in right expression
 EBoolean Expr.notIn(ECollection<?,? extends D> right)
          Get a this not in right expression

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.custom

Subclasses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.custom
 class CBoolean
          CBoolean is a custom boolean expression

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.custom that return EBoolean
static EBoolean CBoolean.create(String template, Expr<?>... args)
static EBoolean CBoolean.create(Template template, Expr<?>... args)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.expr

Subclasses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.expr
 class EBooleanConst
          EBooleanConst provides constants for Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE
 class OBoolean
          OBoolean represents boolean operations

Fields in com.mysema.query.types.expr declared as EBoolean
static EBoolean EBooleanConst.FALSE
static EBoolean EBooleanConst.TRUE

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.expr that return EBoolean
 EBoolean EDateOrTime.after(D right)
          Get a this > right expression
 EBoolean EDateOrTime.after(Expr<D> right)
          Get a this > right expression
static EBoolean EBoolean.allOf(EBoolean... exprs)
 EBoolean EBoolean.and(EBoolean right)
          Get an intersection of this and the given expression
static EBoolean EBoolean.anyOf(EBoolean... exprs)
 EBoolean<Boolean> alias)
 EBoolean EDateOrTime.before(D right)
          Get a this < right expression
 EBoolean EDateOrTime.before(Expr<D> right)
          Get a this < right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.between(A from, A to)
          Create a from < this < to expression
 EBoolean EComparable.between(D from, D to)
          Get a from < this < to expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.between(Expr<A> from, Expr<A> to)
          Create a from < this < to expression
 EBoolean EComparable.between(Expr<D> from, Expr<D> to)
          Get a first < this < second expression
 EBoolean ECollection.contains(E child)
          Get an expression for this.contains(child)
 EBoolean ECollectionBase.contains(E child)
 EBoolean ECollection.contains(Expr<E> child)
          Get an expression for this.contains(child)
 EBoolean ECollectionBase.contains(Expr<E> child)
 EBoolean EMap.contains(Expr<K> key, Expr<V> value)
 EBoolean EMapBase.contains(Expr<K> key, Expr<V> value)
 EBoolean EString.contains(Expr<String> str)
          Returns true if the given String is contained
 EBoolean EString.contains(Expr<String> str, boolean caseSensitive)
          Returns true if the given String is contained
 EBoolean EString.contains(String str)
          Returns true if the given String is contained
 EBoolean EString.contains(String str, boolean caseSensitive)
          Returns true if the given String is contained
 EBoolean EMap.containsKey(Expr<K> key)
          Get a this.containsKey(key) expression
 EBoolean EMapBase.containsKey(Expr<K> key)
 EBoolean EMap.containsKey(K key)
          Get a this.containsKey(key) expression
 EBoolean EMapBase.containsKey(K key)
 EBoolean EMap.containsValue(Expr<V> value)
          Get a this.containsValue(value) expression
 EBoolean EMapBase.containsValue(Expr<V> value)
 EBoolean EMap.containsValue(V value)
          Get a this.containsValue(value) expression
 EBoolean EMapBase.containsValue(V value)
static EBoolean EBooleanConst.create(Boolean b)
static EBoolean OBoolean.create(Operator<? super Boolean> op, Expr<?>... args)
 EBoolean EString.endsWith(Expr<String> str)
          Returns true if this ends with str
 EBoolean EString.endsWith(Expr<String> str, boolean caseSensitive)
          Returns true if this ends with str
 EBoolean EString.endsWith(String str)
          Returns true if this ends with str
 EBoolean EString.endsWith(String str, boolean caseSensitive)
          Returns true if this ends with str
 EBoolean EBooleanConst.eq(Boolean b)
 EBoolean ENumberConst.eq(D b)
 EBoolean ExprConst.eq(D s)
 EBoolean ESimple.eq(D right)
 EBoolean ESimple.eq(Expr<? super D> right)
 EBoolean EStringConst.eq(String s)
 EBoolean EString.equalsIgnoreCase(Expr<String> str)
          Compares this EString to another EString, ignoring case considerations.
 EBoolean EStringConst.equalsIgnoreCase(String str)
 EBoolean EString.equalsIgnoreCase(String str)
          Compares this EString to another EString, ignoring case considerations.
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.goe(A right)
          Create a this >= right expression
 EBoolean EComparable.goe(D right)
          Get a this >= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.goe(Expr<A> right)
          Create a this >= right expression
 EBoolean EComparable.goe(Expr<D> right)
          Get a this >= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
EBoolean right)
          Create a this > right expression
 EBoolean right)
          Get a this > right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
EBoolean<A> right)
          Create a this > right expression
 EBoolean<D> right)
          Get a this > right expression
 EBoolean<? extends D> right)
 EBoolean right)
 EBoolean<?,? extends D> right)
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
EBoolean<A> period)
          Get this in period expression
 EBoolean<D> period)
          Get this in period expression
 EBoolean numbers)
 EBoolean EStringConst.isEmpty()
 EBoolean EMap.isEmpty()
          Get the this.isEmpty() expression
 EBoolean ECollection.isEmpty()
          Get an expression for this.isEmpty()
 EBoolean ECollectionBase.isEmpty()
 EBoolean EMapBase.isEmpty()
 EBoolean EString.isEmpty()
          Return true if this String is empty
 EBoolean EStringConst.isNotEmpty()
 EBoolean EMap.isNotEmpty()
          Get the !this.isEmpty() expression
 EBoolean ECollection.isNotEmpty()
          Get an expression for !this.isEmpty()
 EBoolean ECollectionBase.isNotEmpty()
 EBoolean EMapBase.isNotEmpty()
 EBoolean EString.isNotEmpty()
          Return true if this String is not empty
 EBoolean str)
          Expr: this like str
 EBoolean str)
          Expr: this like str
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.loe(A right)
          Create a this <= right expression
 EBoolean EComparable.loe(D right)
          Get a this <= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.loe(Expr<A> right)
          Create a this <= right expression
 EBoolean EComparable.loe(Expr<D> right)
          Get a this < right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
EBoolean right)
          Create a this < right expression
 EBoolean right)
          Get a this < right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
EBoolean<A> right)
          Create a this < right expression
 EBoolean<D> right)
          Get a this < right expression
 EBoolean EString.matches(Expr<String> regex)
          Return true if this String matches the given regular expression
 EBoolean EStringConst.matches(String pattern)
 EBoolean EString.matches(String regex)
          Return true if this String matches the given regular expression
 EBoolean b)
 EBoolean b)
 EBoolean s)
 EBoolean right)
 EBoolean<? super D> right)
 EBoolean s)
 EBoolean EBoolean.not()
          Get a negation of this boolean expression
 EBoolean EBooleanConst.not()
 EBoolean OBoolean.not()
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.notBetween(A from, A to)
 EBoolean EComparable.notBetween(D from, D to)
          Get a this not between from and to expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
ENumber.notBetween(Expr<A> from, Expr<A> to)
 EBoolean EComparable.notBetween(Expr<D> from, Expr<D> to)
          Get a this not between from and to expression
 EBoolean ENumber.notIn(Number... numbers)
 EBoolean EBoolean.or(EBoolean right)
          Get a union of this and the given expression
 EBoolean EString.startsWith(Expr<String> str)
          Return true if this starts with str
 EBoolean EString.startsWith(Expr<String> str, boolean caseSensitive)
          Return true if this starts with str
 EBoolean EString.startsWith(String str)
          Return true if this starts with str
 EBoolean EString.startsWith(String str, boolean caseSensitive)
          Return true if this starts with str

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.expr with parameters of type EBoolean
static EBoolean EBoolean.allOf(EBoolean... exprs)
 EBoolean EBoolean.and(EBoolean right)
          Get an intersection of this and the given expression
static EBoolean EBoolean.anyOf(EBoolean... exprs)
 EBoolean EBoolean.or(EBoolean right)
          Get a union of this and the given expression
 CaseBuilder.Initial CaseBuilder.when(EBoolean b)
 CaseBuilder.CaseWhen<A,Q> CaseBuilder.Cases.when(EBoolean b)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.types.expr with parameters of type EBoolean
CaseBuilder.CaseWhen(CaseBuilder.Cases<A,Q> cases, EBoolean b)
CaseBuilder.Initial(EBoolean b)

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.path

Subclasses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.path
 class PBoolean
          PBoolean represents boolean path expressions

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.path that return EBoolean
<B extends D>
PEntity.instanceOf(Class<B> type)
          Create an this instanceOf type expression
 EBoolean PNumber.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PathMixin.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PArray.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PCollection.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PEntity.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PDateTime.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PString.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PTime.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PSet.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PDate.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PMap.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PSimple.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PComparable.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PList.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PBoolean.isNotNull()
 EBoolean PNumber.isNull()
 EBoolean PathMixin.isNull()
 EBoolean PArray.isNull()
 EBoolean PCollection.isNull()
 EBoolean PEntity.isNull()
 EBoolean PDateTime.isNull()
 EBoolean PString.isNull()
 EBoolean PTime.isNull()
 EBoolean PSet.isNull()
 EBoolean PDate.isNull()
 EBoolean PMap.isNull()
 EBoolean PSimple.isNull()
 EBoolean PComparable.isNull()
 EBoolean PList.isNull()
 EBoolean PBoolean.isNull()

Uses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.query

Subclasses of EBoolean in com.mysema.query.types.query
 class BooleanSubQuery
          Single result subquery

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.query that return EBoolean
 EBoolean TimeSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean SubQueryMixin.exists()
 EBoolean StringSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean DateTimeSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean ComparableSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean DateSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean ListSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean Detachable.exists()
          Create an exists(this) expression
 EBoolean BooleanSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean ObjectSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean NumberSubQuery.exists()
 EBoolean TimeSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean SubQueryMixin.notExists()
 EBoolean StringSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean DateTimeSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean ComparableSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean DateSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean ListSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean Detachable.notExists()
          Create an not exists(this) expression
 EBoolean BooleanSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean ObjectSubQuery.notExists()
 EBoolean NumberSubQuery.notExists()

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.query with parameters of type EBoolean
 BooleanSubQuery Detachable.unique(EBoolean projection)
          Create a subquery expression for the given projection

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