Package com.mysema.query.types.path

Paths represent typed property paths, variables and list-map-array access


Class Summary
ArrayPath<E> ArrayPath represents an array typed path
BeanPath<T> BeanPath represents bean paths
BooleanPath BooleanPath represents boolean path expressions
CollectionPath<E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>> CollectionPath represents collection paths
CollectionPathBase<C extends Collection<E>,E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>> CollectionPath is a base class for collection typed paths
ComparableEntityPath<T extends Comparable>  
ComparablePath<T extends Comparable> ComparablePath represents Comparable paths
DatePath<T extends Comparable> DatePath presents Date paths
DateTimePath<T extends Comparable> DateTimePath presents DateTime typed paths
DslPath<T> DslPath represents simple paths
EntityPathBase<T> EntityPathBase provides a base class for EntityPath implementations
EnumPath<T extends Enum<T>> EnumPath represents enum paths
ListPath<E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>> ListPath represents list paths
MapPath<K,V,E extends SimpleExpression<? super V>> MapPath represents map paths
NumberPath<T extends Number & Comparable<?>> NumberPath represents numeric paths
PathBuilder<T> PathBuilder is an extension to EntityPathBase for dynamic path construction
PathBuilderFactory PathBuilderFactory is a factory class for PathBuilder creation
PathInits PathInits defines path initializations that can be attached to properties via QueryInit annotations
SetPath<E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>> SetPath represents set paths
SimplePath<T> SimplePath represents simple paths
StringPath StringPath represents String typed paths
TimePath<T extends Comparable> TimePath represented Time paths

Package com.mysema.query.types.path Description

Paths represent typed property paths, variables and list-map-array access

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