Uses of Interface

Packages that use SQLQuery
com.mysema.query.sql SQL/JDBC support for Querydsl 

Uses of SQLQuery in com.mysema.query.sql

Classes in com.mysema.query.sql that implement SQLQuery
 class SQLQueryImpl
          SQLQueryImpl is a JDBC based implementation of the SQLQuery interface

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql that return SQLQuery
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.clone(Connection conn)
          Clone the state of the Query for the given Connection
 SQLQuery SQLQuery.forUpdate()
          If you use forUpdate() with a backend that uses page or row locks, rows examined by the query are write-locked until the end of the current transaction.
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries

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