Uses of Interface

Packages that use Path
com.mysema.query.alias Alias functionality 
com.mysema.query.codegen Code generations models and serializers 
com.mysema.query.collections Implementations of Querydsl query interfaces for JavaBean collections 
com.mysema.query.dml DML interfaces   
com.mysema.query.jdo JDOQL support for Querydsl 
com.mysema.query.jdo.dml DML operations support for Querydsl JDOQL 
com.mysema.query.jpa Query implementations for HQL and JPAQL 
com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate JPQL for Hibernate 
com.mysema.query.jpa.impl JPQL for JPA 
com.mysema.query.sql SQL/JDBC support for Querydsl 
com.mysema.query.sql.dml DML operations support Various support classes 
com.mysema.query.types Contains Querydsl grammar types 
com.mysema.query.types.expr Operations represent typed operations with operator and arguments 
com.mysema.query.types.path Paths represent typed property paths, variables and list-map-array access 

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.alias

Methods in com.mysema.query.alias that return Path
<T> Path<T[]>
PathFactory.createArrayPath(Class<T[]> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T> Path<T[]>
DefaultPathFactory.createArrayPath(Class<T[]> arrayType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
 Path<Boolean> PathFactory.createBooleanPath(PathMetadata<?> metadata)
 Path<Boolean> DefaultPathFactory.createBooleanPath(PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<E> Path<Collection<E>>
PathFactory.createCollectionPath(Class<E> elementType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<E> Path<Collection<E>>
DefaultPathFactory.createCollectionPath(Class<E> elementType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
PathFactory.createComparablePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
DefaultPathFactory.createComparablePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
PathFactory.createDatePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
DefaultPathFactory.createDatePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
PathFactory.createDateTimePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
DefaultPathFactory.createDateTimePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T> Path<T>
PathFactory.createEntityPath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T> Path<T>
DefaultPathFactory.createEntityPath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Enum<T>>
PathFactory.createEnumPath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Enum<T>>
DefaultPathFactory.createEnumPath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<E> Path<List<E>>
PathFactory.createListPath(Class<E> elementType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<E> Path<List<E>>
DefaultPathFactory.createListPath(Class<E> elementType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<K,V> Path<Map<K,V>>
PathFactory.createMapPath(Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<K,V> Path<Map<K,V>>
DefaultPathFactory.createMapPath(Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
PathFactory.createNumberPath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
DefaultPathFactory.createNumberPath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<E> Path<Set<E>>
PathFactory.createSetPath(Class<E> elementType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<E> Path<Set<E>>
DefaultPathFactory.createSetPath(Class<E> elementType, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T> Path<T>
PathFactory.createSimplePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T> Path<T>
DefaultPathFactory.createSimplePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
 Path<String> PathFactory.createStringPath(PathMetadata<?> metadata)
 Path<String> DefaultPathFactory.createStringPath(PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
PathFactory.createTimePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
DefaultPathFactory.createTimePath(Class<T> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata)

Methods in com.mysema.query.alias with parameters of type Path
protected  PathMetadata<Integer> PropertyAccessInvocationHandler.createListAccessPath(Path<?> path, Integer index)
protected  PathMetadata<?> PropertyAccessInvocationHandler.createMapAccessPath(Path<?> path, Object key)
protected  PathMetadata<String> PropertyAccessInvocationHandler.createPropertyPath(Path<?> path, String propertyName)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.codegen

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.codegen with type arguments of type Path
 void TypeMappings.register(com.mysema.codegen.model.TypeCategory category, Class<? extends Expression> expr, Class<? extends Path> path, Class<? extends TemplateExpression> template)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.collections

Methods in com.mysema.query.collections with parameters of type Path
<A> ColQuery
ColQuery.bind(Path<A> entity, Iterable<? extends A> col)
          Bind the given collection to an already existing query source
<A> Q
AbstractColQuery.bind(Path<A> entity, Iterable<? extends A> col)
<A> ColDeleteClause<A>
MiniApi.delete(Path<A> path, Collection<A> col)
          Create a new delete clause
<A> ColQuery
MiniApi.from(Path<A> path, A... arr)
          Create a new query
<A> ColQuery
ColQuery.from(Path<A> entity, Iterable<? extends A> col)
          Add a query source
<A> Q
AbstractColQuery.from(Path<A> entity, Iterable<? extends A> col)
<A> ColQuery
MiniApi.from(Path<A> path, Iterable<A> col)
          Create a new query
<P> ColQuery
ColQuery.innerJoin(MapExpression<?,P> mapPath, Path<P> alias)
          Define an inner join from the Map typed path to the alias
<P> Q
AbstractColQuery.innerJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> ColQuery
ColQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> collectionPath, Path<P> alias)
          Define an inner join from the Collection typed path to the alias
<P> ColQuery
ColQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> collectionPath, Path<P> alias)
          Define an inner join from the Collection typed path to the alias
<P> Q
AbstractColQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractColQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<U> ColUpdateClause<T>
ColUpdateClause.set(Path<U> path, Expression<? extends U> expression)
<U> ColUpdateClause<T>
ColUpdateClause.set(Path<U> path, U value)
<U> ColUpdateClause<T>
ColUpdateClause.setNull(Path<U> path)
<A> ColUpdateClause<A>
MiniApi.update(Path<A> path, Iterable<A> col)
          Create a new update clause
 Void ColQuerySerializer.visit(Path<?> path, Void context)

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.collections with type arguments of type Path
 ColUpdateClause<T> ColUpdateClause.set(List<? extends Path<?>> p, List<?> v)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.collections with parameters of type Path
ColDeleteClause(Path<T> expr, Collection<? extends T> col)
ColDeleteClause(QueryEngine qe, Path<T> expr, Collection<? extends T> col)
ColUpdateClause(Path<T> expr, Iterable<? extends T> col)
ColUpdateClause(QueryEngine qe, Path<T> expr, Iterable<? extends T> col)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.dml with parameters of type Path
 C InsertClause.columns(Path<?>... columns)
          Define the columns to be populated
<T> C
StoreClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
          Add an expression binding
<T> C
StoreClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
          Add a value binding
<T> C
StoreClause.setNull(Path<T> path)
          Bind the given path to null

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.dml with type arguments of type Path
 C UpdateClause.set(List<? extends Path<?>> paths, List<?> values)
          Set the paths to be updated

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 DslExpression<R><R> alias)
          Create an alias for the expression

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 String SearchSerializer.toField(Path<?> path)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jdo

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdo with parameters of type Path
<P> Q
AbstractJDOQLSubQuery.from(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, EntityPath<P> alias)
 Void JDOQLSerializer.visit(Path<?> path, Void context)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jdo.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdo.dml with parameters of type Path
<T> JDOQLUpdateClause
JDOQLUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
<T> JDOQLUpdateClause
JDOQLUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
<T> JDOQLUpdateClause
JDOQLUpdateClause.setNull(Path<T> path)

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.jdo.dml with type arguments of type Path
 JDOQLUpdateClause JDOQLUpdateClause.set(List<? extends Path<?>> paths, List<?> values)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jdo.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdo.sql with parameters of type Path
 T AbstractSQLQuery.from(SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery, Path<?> alias)
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.join(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.join(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<RT> T
AbstractSQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> T
AbstractSQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
<RT> T
AbstractSQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> T
AbstractSQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jpa

Methods in com.mysema.query.jpa that return types with arguments of type Path
 List<Path<?>> NativeSQLSerializer.getEntityPaths()

Methods in com.mysema.query.jpa with parameters of type Path
 T AbstractSQLQuery.from(SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery, Path<?> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.fullJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.fullJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.fullJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a full join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
          Create a full join with the given target.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a full join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a full join with the given target and alias.
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.innerJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.innerJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.innerJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a inner join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
          Create a inner join with the given target.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a inner join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a inner join with the given target and alias.
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.join(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.join(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.join(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
          Create a join with the given target.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.join(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.join(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.leftJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.leftJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.leftJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a left join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
          Create a left join with the given target.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a left join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a left join with the given target and alias.
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.rightJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.rightJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.rightJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a right join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
          Create a right join with the given target.
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
AbstractJPQLSubQuery.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLQueryBase.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a right join with the given target and alias.
<P> Q
JPQLCommonQuery.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
          Create a right join with the given target and alias.
<E> T
AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
 T AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
 Void NativeSQLSerializer.visit(Path<?> path, Void context)
 Void JPQLSerializer.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate

Fields in com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate with type parameters of type Path
protected  Map<Path<?>,org.hibernate.LockMode> AbstractHibernateQuery.lockModes

Methods in com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate with parameters of type Path
<T> HibernateUpdateClause
HibernateUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
<T> HibernateUpdateClause
HibernateUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
 Q AbstractHibernateQuery.setLockMode(Path<?> path, org.hibernate.LockMode lockMode)
          Set the lock mode for the given path.
<T> HibernateUpdateClause
HibernateUpdateClause.setNull(Path<T> path)

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate with type arguments of type Path
 HibernateUpdateClause HibernateUpdateClause.set(List<? extends Path<?>> paths, List<?> values)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.jpa.hibernate.sql with parameters of type Path
<RT> Q
AbstractHibernateSQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> Q
AbstractHibernateSQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
<RT> Q
AbstractHibernateSQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> Q
AbstractHibernateSQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jpa.impl

Methods in com.mysema.query.jpa.impl with parameters of type Path
<T> JPAUpdateClause
JPAUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
<T> JPAUpdateClause
JPAUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
<T> JPAUpdateClause
JPAUpdateClause.setNull(Path<T> path)

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.jpa.impl with type arguments of type Path
 JPAUpdateClause JPAUpdateClause.set(List<? extends Path<?>> paths, List<?> values)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.jpa.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.jpa.sql with parameters of type Path
<RT> Q
AbstractJPASQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> Q
AbstractJPASQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
<RT> Q
AbstractJPASQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> Q
AbstractJPASQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.lucene

Methods in com.mysema.query.lucene with parameters of type Path
protected  String[] LuceneSerializer.convert(Path<?> leftHandSide, Expression<?> rightHandSide, QueryMetadata metadata)
          template method
protected  String[] LuceneSerializer.convert(Path<?> leftHandSide, Object rightHandSide)
          template method
 Q AbstractLuceneQuery.distinct(Path<?> property)
          Add a DuplicateFilter for the field of the given property path
static BooleanExpression LuceneUtils.fuzzyLike(Path<String> path, String value)
          Create a fuzzy query
static BooleanExpression LuceneUtils.fuzzyLike(Path<String> path, String value, float minimumSimilarity)
          Create a fuzzy query
static BooleanExpression LuceneUtils.fuzzyLike(Path<String> path, String value, float minimumSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Create a fuzzy query
 Q AbstractLuceneQuery.load(Path<?>... paths)
          Load only the fields of the given paths
protected LuceneSerializer.range(Path<?> leftHandSide, String field, Expression<?> min, Expression<?> max, boolean minInc, boolean maxInc, QueryMetadata metadata)
protected LuceneSerializer.stringRange(Path<?> leftHandSide, String field, Expression<?> min, Expression<?> max, boolean minInc, boolean maxInc, QueryMetadata metadata)
protected  String LuceneSerializer.toField(Path<?> path)
          template method, override to customize

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.mongodb

Classes in com.mysema.query.mongodb that implement Path
 class Point
          Point is an adapter type for Double[] arrays to use geo spatial querying features of Mongodb

Methods in com.mysema.query.mongodb with parameters of type Path
<T> AnyEmbeddedBuilder<K>
MongodbQuery.anyEmbedded(Path<? extends Collection<T>> collection, Path<T> target)
          Define a constraint for an embedded object
<T> AnyEmbeddedBuilder<K>
MongodbQuery.anyEmbedded(Path<? extends Collection<T>> collection, Path<T> target)
          Define a constraint for an embedded object
protected  String MongodbSerializer.getKeyForPath(Path<?> expr, PathMetadata<?> metadata)
<T> JoinBuilder<K,T>
MongodbQuery.join(CollectionPathBase<?,T,?> ref, Path<T> target)
          Define a join
<T> JoinBuilder<K,T>
MongodbQuery.join(Path<T> ref, Path<T> target)
          Define a join
<T> JoinBuilder<K,T>
MongodbQuery.join(Path<T> ref, Path<T> target)
          Define a join
 Object MongodbSerializer.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.mongodb with parameters of type Path
AnyEmbeddedBuilder(QueryMixin<MongodbQuery<K>> queryMixin, Path<? extends Collection<?>> collection)
JoinBuilder(QueryMixin<MongodbQuery<K>> queryMixin, Path<?> ref, Path<T> target)
JoinBuilder(QueryMixin<MongodbQuery<K>> queryMixin, Path<?> ref, Path<T> target)
Point(Path<?> parent, String property)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.mongodb.morphia

Methods in com.mysema.query.mongodb.morphia with parameters of type Path
protected  String MorphiaSerializer.getKeyForPath(Path<?> expr, PathMetadata<?> metadata)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.sql

Subinterfaces of Path in com.mysema.query.sql
 interface RelationalPath<T>
          RelationalPath extends EntityPath to provide access to relational metadata

Classes in com.mysema.query.sql that implement Path
 class RelationalPathBase<T>
          RelationalPathBase is a base class for RelationalPath implementations

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql with type parameters of type Path
<P extends Path<?>>
RelationalPathBase.add(P path)

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql that return Path
 Path<?>[] RelationalPathBase.all()

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql that return types with arguments of type Path
 List<Path<?>> RelationalPath.getColumns()
          Get all columns
 List<Path<?>> RelationalPathBase.getColumns()
 List<Path<?>> SQLSerializer.getConstantPaths()
 List<? extends Path<?>> ForeignKey.getLocalColumns()
 List<? extends Path<?>> PrimaryKey.getLocalColumns()

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql with parameters of type Path
static Expression<?> UnionUtils.combineUnion(SubQueryExpression<?>[] union, Path<?> alias, SQLTemplates templates, boolean unionAll)
<F> ForeignKey<F>
RelationalPathBase.createForeignKey(Path<?> local, String foreign)
<F> ForeignKey<F>
RelationalPathBase.createInvForeignKey(Path<?> local, String foreign)
protected  PrimaryKey<T> RelationalPathBase.createPrimaryKey(Path<?>... columns)
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.from(SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.from(SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery, Path<?> alias)
 Q SQLCommonQuery.from(SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a sub query source
<E> Q
AbstractSQLSubQuery.fullJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
SQLCommonQuery.fullJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> o, Path<E> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
<P> T
SQLQueryMixin.fullJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<P> target, Path<P> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.fullJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.fullJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q SQLCommonQuery.fullJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
<T> T
Configuration.get(ResultSet rs, Path<?> path, int i, Class<T> clazz)
<E> Q
AbstractSQLSubQuery.innerJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
SQLCommonQuery.innerJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> o, Path<E> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
<P> T
SQLQueryMixin.innerJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<P> target, Path<P> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.innerJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.innerJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q SQLCommonQuery.innerJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds an inner join to the given target
<E> Q
AbstractSQLSubQuery.join(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.join(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
SQLCommonQuery.join(RelationalFunctionCall<E> o, Path<E> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
<P> T
SQLQueryMixin.join(RelationalFunctionCall<P> target, Path<P> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.join(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.join(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q SQLCommonQuery.join(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a join to the given target
<E> Q
AbstractSQLSubQuery.leftJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
SQLCommonQuery.leftJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> o, Path<E> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
<P> T
SQLQueryMixin.leftJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<P> target, Path<P> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.leftJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.leftJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q SQLCommonQuery.leftJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a left join to the given target
<E> Q
AbstractSQLSubQuery.rightJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> target, Path<E> alias)
<E> Q
SQLCommonQuery.rightJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<E> o, Path<E> alias)
          Adds a full join to the given target
<P> T
SQLQueryMixin.rightJoin(RelationalFunctionCall<P> target, Path<P> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLSubQuery.rightJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q AbstractSQLQuery.rightJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> target, Path<?> alias)
 Q SQLCommonQuery.rightJoin(SubQueryExpression<?> o, Path<?> alias)
          Adds a right join to the given target
<T> int
Configuration.set(PreparedStatement stmt, Path<?> path, int i, T value)
<RT> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
<RT> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.union(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
<RT> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, ListSubQuery<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
<RT> Q
AbstractSQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
<RT> SQLQuery
SQLQuery.unionAll(Path<?> alias, SubQueryExpression<RT>... sq)
          Creates an union expression for the given subqueries
 Void SQLSerializer.visit(Path<?> path, Void context)

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.sql with type arguments of type Path
<F> ForeignKey<F>
RelationalPathBase.createForeignKey(List<? extends Path<?>> local, List<String> foreign)
<F> ForeignKey<F>
RelationalPathBase.createInvForeignKey(List<? extends Path<?>> local, List<String> foreign)
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForInsert(QueryMetadata metadata, RelationalPath<?> entity, List<Path<?>> columns, List<Expression<?>> values, SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery)
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForMerge(QueryMetadata metadata, RelationalPath<?> entity, List<Path<?>> keys, List<Path<?>> columns, List<Expression<?>> values, SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery)
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForMerge(QueryMetadata metadata, RelationalPath<?> entity, List<Path<?>> keys, List<Path<?>> columns, List<Expression<?>> values, SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery)
 void SQLSerializer.serializeForUpdate(QueryMetadata metadata, RelationalPath<?> entity, List<com.mysema.commons.lang.Pair<Path<?>,Expression<?>>> updates)
protected  void AbstractSQLQuery.setParameters(PreparedStatement stmt, List<?> objects, List<Path<?>> constantPaths, Map<ParamExpression<?>,?> params)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.sql with parameters of type Path
ForeignKey(RelationalPath<?> entity, Path<?> localColumn, String foreignColumn)
PrimaryKey(RelationalPath<?> entity, Path<?>... localColumns)

Constructor parameters in com.mysema.query.sql with type arguments of type Path
ForeignKey(RelationalPath<?> entity, List<? extends Path<?>> localColumns, List<String> foreignColumns)
PrimaryKey(RelationalPath<?> entity, List<? extends Path<?>> localColumns)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.sql.dml

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql.dml that return types with arguments of type Path
 Map<Path<?>,Object> BeanMapper.createMap(RelationalPath<?> entity, Object bean)
 Map<Path<?>,Object> DefaultMapper.createMap(RelationalPath<?> entity, Object bean)
 Map<Path<?>,Object> AnnotationMapper.createMap(RelationalPath<?> path, Object object)
 Map<Path<?>,Object> Mapper.createMap(RelationalPath<?> path, T object)
 List<Path<?>> SQLMergeBatch.getColumns()
 List<Path<?>> SQLInsertBatch.getColumns()
 List<Path<?>> SQLMergeBatch.getKeys()

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql.dml with parameters of type Path
 SQLMergeClause SQLMergeClause.columns(Path<?>... columns)
 SQLInsertClause SQLInsertClause.columns(Path<?>... columns)
<T> T
SQLInsertClause.executeWithKey(Path<T> path)
          Execute the clause and return the generated key with the type of the given path.
<T> List<T>
SQLInsertClause.executeWithKeys(Path<T> path)
          Execute the clause and return the generated keys with the type of the given path.
protected  boolean AbstractMapper.isPrimaryKeyColumn(RelationalPath<?> parent, Path<?> property)
 SQLMergeClause SQLMergeClause.keys(Path<?>... paths)
          Set the keys to be used in the MERGE clause
<T> SQLMergeClause
SQLMergeClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
<T> SQLInsertClause
SQLInsertClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
<T> SQLUpdateClause
SQLUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, Expression<? extends T> expression)
<T> SQLMergeClause
SQLMergeClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
<T> SQLInsertClause
SQLInsertClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
<T> SQLUpdateClause
SQLUpdateClause.set(Path<T> path, T value)
<T> SQLMergeClause
SQLMergeClause.setNull(Path<T> path)
<T> SQLInsertClause
SQLInsertClause.setNull(Path<T> path)
<T> SQLUpdateClause
SQLUpdateClause.setNull(Path<T> path)

Method parameters in com.mysema.query.sql.dml with type arguments of type Path
 SQLUpdateClause SQLUpdateClause.set(List<? extends Path<?>> paths, List<?> values)
protected  void AbstractSQLClause.setParameters(PreparedStatement stmt, List<?> objects, List<Path<?>> constantPaths, Map<Param<?>,?> params)
          Set the parameters to the given PreparedStatement

Constructor parameters in com.mysema.query.sql.dml with type arguments of type Path
SQLInsertBatch(List<Path<?>> c, List<Expression<?>> v, SubQueryExpression<?> sq)
SQLMergeBatch(List<Path<?>> k, List<Path<?>> c, List<Expression<?>> v, SubQueryExpression<?> sq)
SQLMergeBatch(List<Path<?>> k, List<Path<?>> c, List<Expression<?>> v, SubQueryExpression<?> sq)

Uses of Path in

Fields in with type parameters of type Path
 List<Path<?>> Context.paths

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 void Context.add(Path<?> anyPath, EntityPath<?> replacement)
<D> SimpleExpression<D><D> source, Path<D> alias)
static BooleanPath Expressions.booleanPath(Path<?> parent, String property)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
Expressions.comparablePath(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
<D> SimpleExpression<D>
Expressions.constantAs(D source, Path<D> alias)
<D> Expression<D>
QueryMixin.createAlias(Expression<D> path, Path<D> alias)
<D> Expression<D>
QueryMixin.createAlias(MapExpression<?,D> target, Path<D> alias)
<D> Expression<D>
QueryMixin.createAlias(Path<? extends Collection<D>> target, Path<D> alias)
<D> Expression<D>
QueryMixin.createAlias(Path<? extends Collection<D>> target, Path<D> alias)
<D> Expression<D>
QueryMixin.createAlias(SubQueryExpression<D> path, Path<D> alias)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
Expressions.datePath(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
Expressions.dateTimePath(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
<T> DslPath<T>
Expressions.dslPath(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
<P> T
QueryMixin.fullJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> T
QueryMixin.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.fullJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.fullJoin(SubQueryExpression<P> target, Path alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.innerJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> T
QueryMixin.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.innerJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.innerJoin(SubQueryExpression<P> target, Path alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.join(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> T
QueryMixin.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.join(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.join(SubQueryExpression<P> target, Path alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.leftJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> T
QueryMixin.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.leftJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.leftJoin(SubQueryExpression<P> target, Path alias)
<T extends Number & Comparable<?>>
Expressions.numberPath(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
<T> SimplePath<T>
Expressions.path(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
<P> T
QueryMixin.rightJoin(MapExpression<?,P> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target)
<P> T
QueryMixin.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.rightJoin(Path<? extends Collection<P>> target, Path<P> alias)
<P> T
QueryMixin.rightJoin(SubQueryExpression<P> target, Path alias)
static StringPath Expressions.stringPath(Path<?> parent, String property)
<T extends Comparable<?>>
Expressions.timePath(Class<T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
 Expression<?> CollectionAnyVisitor.visit(Path<?> expr, Context context)
 Expression<?> ListAccessVisitor.visit(Path<?> expr, Context context)
 Void SerializerBase.visit(Path<?> path, Void context)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.types

Subinterfaces of Path in com.mysema.query.types
 interface EntityPath<T>
          EntityPath is the common interface for entity path expressions

Classes in com.mysema.query.types that implement Path
 class PathImpl<T>
          PathImpl defines a default implementation of the Path interface

Methods in com.mysema.query.types that return Path
 Path<?> PathMetadata.getParent()
 Path<?> Path.getRoot()
          Get the root for this path
 Path<?> PathImpl.getRoot()
 Path<?> PathMetadata.getRoot()
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(Constant<?> expr, Void context)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(FactoryExpression<?> expr, Void context)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(Operation<?> expr, Void context)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(ParamExpression<?> expr, Void context)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(SubQueryExpression<?> expr, Void context)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(TemplateExpression<?> expr, Void context)

Methods in com.mysema.query.types with parameters of type Path
<D> Expression<D><D> source, Path<D> alias)
          Create an alias expression (source as alias) with the given source and alias
 Expression<T><T> alias)
          Create an alias for the expression
 Expression<T><T> alias)
          Create an alias for the expression
<T> QBean<T>
Projections.bean(Path<T> type, Expression<?>... exprs)
          Create a Bean populating projection for the given type and expressions
<T> QBean<T>
Projections.fields(Path<T> type, Expression<?>... exprs)
          Create a field access based Bean populating projection for the given type and expressions
static PathMetadata<Integer> PathMetadataFactory.forArrayAccess(Path<?> parent, Expression<Integer> index)
          Create a new PathMetadata for indexed array access
static PathMetadata<Integer> PathMetadataFactory.forArrayAccess(Path<?> parent, int index)
          Create a new PathMetadata for indexed array access
static PathMetadata<?> PathMetadataFactory.forCollectionAny(Path<?> parent)
          Create a new PathMetadata for collection any access
<T> PathMetadata<T>
PathMetadataFactory.forDelegate(Path<T> delegate)
          Create a new PathMetadata for delegate access
static PathMetadata<Integer> PathMetadataFactory.forListAccess(Path<?> parent, Expression<Integer> index)
          Create a new PathMetadata for indexed list access
static PathMetadata<Integer> PathMetadataFactory.forListAccess(Path<?> parent, int index)
          Create a new PathMetadata for indexed list access
<KT> PathMetadata<KT>
PathMetadataFactory.forMapAccess(Path<?> parent, Expression<KT> key)
          Create a new PathMetadata for key based map access
<KT> PathMetadata<KT>
PathMetadataFactory.forMapAccess(Path<?> parent, KT key)
          Create a new PathMetadata for for key based map access
static PathMetadata<String> PathMetadataFactory.forProperty(Path<?> parent, String property)
          Create a new PathMetadata for property access
 R Visitor.visit(Path<?> expr, C context)
 String ToStringVisitor.visit(Path<?> p, Templates templates)
 Path<?> PathExtractor.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)
 Integer HashCodeVisitor.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)
 Expression<?> ExtractorVisitor.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)
 Void ValidatingVisitor.visit(Path<?> expr, Void context)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.types with parameters of type Path
PathImpl(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
PathMetadata(Path<?> parent, Expression<T> expression, PathType type)
QBean(Path<T> type, boolean fieldAccess, Expression<?>... args)
          Create a new QBean instance
QBean(Path<T> type, boolean fieldAccess, Map<String,? extends Expression<?>> bindings)
          Create a new QBean instance
QBean(Path<T> type, Expression<?>... args)
          Create a new QBean instance
QBean(Path<T> type, Map<String,? extends Expression<?>> bindings)
          Create a new QBean instance

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.types.expr

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.expr with parameters of type Path
 BooleanExpression<Boolean> alias)
 StringExpression<String> alias)
 SimpleExpression<T><T> alias)
          Create an alias for the expression
 DateTimeExpression<T><T> alias)
 DateExpression<T><T> alias)
 DslExpression<T><T> alias)
          Create an alias for the expression
 TimeExpression<T><T> alias)
 ComparableExpression<T><T> alias)
 DslExpression<T><T> alias)
          Create an alias for the expression
 NumberExpression<T><T> alias)
 EnumExpression<T><T> alias)

Uses of Path in com.mysema.query.types.path

Classes in com.mysema.query.types.path that implement Path
 class ArrayPath<E>
          ArrayPath represents an array typed path
 class BeanPath<T>
          BeanPath represents bean paths
 class BooleanPath
          BooleanPath represents boolean path expressions
 class CollectionPath<E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>>
          CollectionPath represents collection paths
 class CollectionPathBase<C extends Collection<E>,E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>>
          CollectionPath is a base class for collection typed paths
 class ComparableEntityPath<T extends Comparable>
          ComparableEntityPath extends the ComparablePath class to implement the EntityPath interface
 class ComparablePath<T extends Comparable>
          ComparablePath represents Comparable paths
 class DatePath<T extends Comparable>
          DatePath presents Date paths
 class DateTimePath<T extends Comparable>
          DateTimePath presents DateTime typed paths
 class DslPath<T>
          DslPath represents simple paths
 class EntityPathBase<T>
          EntityPathBase provides a base class for EntityPath implementations
 class EnumPath<T extends Enum<T>>
          EnumPath represents enum paths
 class ListPath<E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>>
          ListPath represents list paths
 class MapPath<K,V,E extends SimpleExpression<? super V>>
          MapPath represents map paths
 class NumberPath<T extends Number & Comparable<?>>
          NumberPath represents numeric paths
 class PathBuilder<T>
          PathBuilder is an extension to EntityPathBase for dynamic path construction
 class SetPath<E,Q extends SimpleExpression<? super E>>
          SetPath represents set paths
 class SimplePath<T>
          SimplePath represents simple paths
 class StringPath
          StringPath represents String typed paths
 class TimePath<T extends Comparable>
          TimePath represented Time paths

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.path with type parameters of type Path
<P extends Path<?>>
BeanPath.add(P path)
          Template method for tracking child path creation

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.path that return Path
 Path<?> SimplePath.getRoot()
 Path<?> StringPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> MapPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> SetPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> ComparablePath.getRoot()
 Path<?> ArrayPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> DatePath.getRoot()
 Path<?> NumberPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> ListPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> CollectionPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> BooleanPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> DslPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> EnumPath.getRoot()
 Path<?> DateTimePath.getRoot()
 Path<?> TimePath.getRoot()
 Path<?> BeanPath.getRoot()

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.path with parameters of type Path
<A> SimplePath<A>
PathBuilder.get(Path<A> path)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.types.path with parameters of type Path
ArrayPath(Class<? super E[]> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
BeanPath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
BooleanPath(Path<?> parent, String property)
CollectionPath(Class<? super E> type, Class<Q> queryType, Path<?> parent, String property)
CollectionPathBase(Path<C> mixin, PathInits inits)
ComparableEntityPath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
ComparablePath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
DatePath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
DateTimePath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
DslPath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
EnumPath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
ListPath(Class<? super E> elementType, Class<Q> queryType, Path<?> parent, String property)
MapPath(Class<? super K> keyType, Class<? super V> valueType, Class<E> queryType, Path<?> parent, String property)
NumberPath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
SetPath(Class<? super E> type, Class<Q> queryType, Path<?> parent, String property)
SimplePath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)
StringPath(Path<?> parent, String property)
TimePath(Class<? extends T> type, Path<?> parent, String property)

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