Uses of Class

Packages that use BooleanExpression
com.mysema.query.jdo JDOQL support for Querydsl 
com.mysema.query.sql SQL/JDBC support for Querydsl Various support classes 
com.mysema.query.types.expr Operations represent typed operations with operator and arguments 
com.mysema.query.types.path Paths represent typed property paths, variables and list-map-array access 
com.mysema.query.types.query Subquery implementations 
com.mysema.query.types.template Custom types are comparable to operations but contain the serialization templates instead of operator patterns. 

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.jdo

Methods in com.mysema.query.jdo that return BooleanExpression
 BooleanExpression JDOQLSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression JDOQLSubQuery.notExists()

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.lucene

Subclasses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.lucene
 class QueryElement
          QueryElement wraps a Lucene Query

Methods in com.mysema.query.lucene that return BooleanExpression
static BooleanExpression LuceneUtils.fuzzyLike(Path<String> path, String value)
          Create a fuzzy query
static BooleanExpression LuceneUtils.fuzzyLike(Path<String> path, String value, float minimumSimilarity)
          Create a fuzzy query
static BooleanExpression LuceneUtils.fuzzyLike(Path<String> path, String value, float minimumSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Create a fuzzy query

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.mongodb

Methods in com.mysema.query.mongodb that return BooleanExpression
 BooleanExpression Point.near(double latVal, double longVal)
          Finds the closest points relative to the given location and orders the results with decreasing promimity

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.sql

Methods in com.mysema.query.sql that return BooleanExpression
 BooleanExpression SQLSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression SQLSubQuery.notExists()

Uses of BooleanExpression in

Methods in that return BooleanExpression
static BooleanExpression Expressions.allOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
static BooleanExpression Expressions.anyOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
static BooleanExpression Expressions.booleanTemplate(String template, Expression<?>... args)
 BooleanExpression DetachableQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression DetachableAdapter.exists()
 BooleanExpression DetachableMixin.exists()
 BooleanExpression DetachableQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression DetachableAdapter.notExists()
 BooleanExpression DetachableMixin.notExists()

Methods in with parameters of type BooleanExpression
static BooleanExpression Expressions.allOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
static BooleanExpression Expressions.anyOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.expr

Subclasses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.expr
 class BooleanOperation
          BooleanOperation represents boolean operations

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.expr that return BooleanExpression
 BooleanExpression TemporalExpression.after(Expression<T> right)
          Get a this > right expression
 BooleanExpression TemporalExpression.after(T right)
          Get a this > right expression
static BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.allOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
          Return the intersection of the given Boolean expressions
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.and(Predicate right)
          Get an intersection of this and the given expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.andAnyOf(Predicate... predicates)
          Get an intersection of this and the union of the given predicates
static BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.anyOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
          Return the union of the given Boolean expressions
 BooleanExpression<Boolean> alias)
 BooleanExpression alias)
 BooleanExpression TemporalExpression.before(Expression<T> right)
          Get a this < right expression
 BooleanExpression TemporalExpression.before(T right)
          Get a this < right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.between(A from, A to)
          Create a from < this < to expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.between(Expression<A> from, Expression<A> to)
          Create a from < this < to expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.between(Expression<T> from, Expression<T> to)
          Get a first <= this <= second expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.between(T from, T to)
          Get a from <= this <= to expression
 BooleanExpression CollectionExpressionBase.contains(E child)
 BooleanExpression CollectionExpressionBase.contains(Expression<E> child)
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.contains(Expression<K> key, Expression<V> value)
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.contains(Expression<String> str)
          Returns true if the given String is contained
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.contains(K key, V value)
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.contains(String str)
          Returns true if the given String is contained
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.containsIgnoreCase(Expression<String> str)
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.containsIgnoreCase(String str)
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.containsKey(Expression<K> key)
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.containsKey(K key)
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.containsValue(Expression<V> value)
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.containsValue(V value)
static BooleanExpression BooleanOperation.create(Operator<? super Boolean> op, Expression<?>... args)
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.endsWith(Expression<String> str)
          Returns true if this ends with str
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.endsWith(String str)
          Returns true if this ends with str
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.endsWithIgnoreCase(Expression<String> str)
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.endsWithIgnoreCase(String str)
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.eq(Boolean right)
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.eq(Expression<? super T> right)
          Get a this == right expression
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.eq(T right)
          Get a this == right expression
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.equalsIgnoreCase(Expression<String> str)
          Compares this EString to another EString, ignoring case considerations.
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.equalsIgnoreCase(String str)
          Compares this EString to another EString, ignoring case considerations.
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.goe(A right)
          Create a this >= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.goe(Expression<A> right)
          Create a this >= right expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.goe(Expression<T> right)
          Get a this >= right expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.goe(T right)
          Get a this >= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
BooleanExpression right)
          Create a this > right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
BooleanExpression<A> right)
          Create a this > right expression
 BooleanExpression<T> right)
          Get a this > right expression
 BooleanExpression right)
          Get a this > right expression
 BooleanExpression<? extends T> right)
          Get a this in right expression
 BooleanExpression<?,? extends T> right)
          Get a this in right expression
 BooleanExpression numbers)
 BooleanExpression right)
          Get a this in right expression
 BooleanExpression CollectionExpressionBase.isEmpty()
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.isEmpty()
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.isEmpty()
          Return true if this String is empty
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.isFalse()
          Get a this == false expression
 BooleanExpression CollectionExpressionBase.isNotEmpty()
 BooleanExpression MapExpressionBase.isNotEmpty()
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.isNotEmpty()
          Return true if this String is not empty
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.isNotNull()
          Create a this is not null expression
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.isNull()
          Create a this is null expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.isTrue()
          Get a this == true expression
 BooleanExpression str)
          Expr: this like str
 BooleanExpression str)
          Expr: this like str
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.loe(A right)
          Create a this <= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.loe(Expression<A> right)
          Create a this <= right expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.loe(Expression<T> right)
          Get a this < right expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.loe(T right)
          Get a this <= right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
BooleanExpression right)
          Create a this < right expression
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
BooleanExpression<A> right)
          Create a this < right expression
 BooleanExpression<T> right)
          Get a this < right expression
 BooleanExpression right)
          Get a this < right expression
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.matches(Expression<String> regex)
          Return true if this String matches the given regular expression
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.matches(String regex)
          Return true if this String matches the given regular expression
 BooleanExpression<? super T> right)
          Get a this <> right expression
 BooleanExpression right)
          Get a this <> right expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.not()
          Get a negation of this boolean expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanOperation.not()
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.notBetween(A from, A to)
<A extends Number & Comparable<?>>
NumberExpression.notBetween(Expression<A> from, Expression<A> to)
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.notBetween(Expression<T> from, Expression<T> to)
          Get a this not between from and to expression
 BooleanExpression ComparableExpression.notBetween(T from, T to)
          Get a this not between from and to expression
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.notIn(Collection<? extends T> right)
          Get a this not in right expression
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.notIn(CollectionExpression<?,? extends T> right)
          Get a this not in right expression
 BooleanExpression NumberExpression.notIn(Number... numbers)
 BooleanExpression SimpleExpression.notIn(T... right)
          Get a this not in right expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.or(Predicate right)
          Get a union of this and the given expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.orAllOf(Predicate... predicates)
          Get a union of this and the intersection of the given predicates
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.startsWith(Expression<String> str)
          Return true if this starts with str
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.startsWith(String str)
          Return true if this starts with str
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.startsWithIgnoreCase(Expression<String> str)
 BooleanExpression StringExpression.startsWithIgnoreCase(String str)

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.expr with parameters of type BooleanExpression
static BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.allOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
          Return the intersection of the given Boolean expressions
static BooleanExpression BooleanExpression.anyOf(BooleanExpression... exprs)
          Return the union of the given Boolean expressions
 CaseBuilder.Initial CaseBuilder.when(BooleanExpression b)
 CaseBuilder.CaseWhen<A,Q> CaseBuilder.Cases.when(BooleanExpression b)

Constructors in com.mysema.query.types.expr with parameters of type BooleanExpression
CaseBuilder.CaseWhen(CaseBuilder.Cases<A,Q> cases, BooleanExpression b)
CaseBuilder.Initial(BooleanExpression b)

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.path

Subclasses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.path
 class BooleanPath
          BooleanPath represents boolean path expressions

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.path that return BooleanExpression
<B extends T>
BeanPath.instanceOf(Class<B> type)
          Create an this instanceOf type expression

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.query

Subclasses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.query
 class BooleanSubQuery
          Boolean typed single result subquery

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.query that return BooleanExpression
 BooleanExpression TimeSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression StringSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression SimpleSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression DateTimeSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression ComparableSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression DateSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression ListSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression Detachable.exists()
          Create an exists(this) expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression NumberSubQuery.exists()
 BooleanExpression ExtendedSubQueryExpression.exists()
          Get an exists(this) expression for the subquery
 BooleanExpression TimeSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression StringSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression SimpleSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression DateTimeSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression ComparableSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression DateSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression ListSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression Detachable.notExists()
          Create an not exists(this) expression
 BooleanExpression BooleanSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression NumberSubQuery.notExists()
 BooleanExpression ExtendedSubQueryExpression.notExists()
          Get a not exists(this) expression for the subquery

Uses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.template

Subclasses of BooleanExpression in com.mysema.query.types.template
 class BooleanTemplate
          BooleanTemplate is a custom boolean expression

Fields in com.mysema.query.types.template declared as BooleanExpression
static BooleanExpression BooleanTemplate.FALSE
static BooleanExpression BooleanTemplate.TRUE

Methods in com.mysema.query.types.template that return BooleanExpression
static BooleanExpression BooleanTemplate.create(String template, Expression<?>... args)
static BooleanExpression BooleanTemplate.create(Template template, Expression<?>... args)

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